
Customer Testimonials

We always appreciate each and every review from our customers and that helps us improve our service! Thank you for
choosing us and we look forward to working together again soon.

Professional workmanship and attention to detail

Rated 5.0 out of 5
January 3, 2024

Very skilled workmanship in my overgrown garden. The overgrown and dead trees were dealt with.The hand pruning of the shrubs to maintain their shape was done to a very high standard. The garden waste was cleared away efficiently. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them

J Hill

Very professional, highly skilled and very polite

Rated 5.0 out of 5
June 22, 2023

This is the second time we’ve used Barry and his team. They are very sympathetic to your request’s, doing exactly what work you require, at the same time not being afraid to offer expert advice when needed. They are always prepared to “go the extra mile”, always clean up after themselves. The price quoted was very fair.

John Straker

Follow up of Spring Requirements

Rated 1.0 out of 5
April 11, 2023

Despite an excellent first experience, the request for follow up project has been disappointing and frustrating.

Despite a call from Barry after a request by email, agreement to call a week later was not was not followed up. 2 weeks later an email by me to establish the status quoi has resulted in zero communication.

Not a way to run a business where customer loyalty is abused.

Chris Small


Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 7, 2022

100% hard working , reliable and polite and

Everything planned out to perfection by the


Excellent workmanship

Would highly recommend

Linda stritch

Highly skilled, friendly and efficient service

Rated 5.0 out of 5
October 24, 2021

Within a week of our enquiry Barry met us on site and surveyed the leaning oak tree and arranged to carry out the works the following week this was excellent service as we were concerned of the condition of the tree which was over hanging the highway.

On the day Barry and his staff set to work straight away we were amazed and impressed of their skills and professionalism as within 2 hours they were clearing up the remains of the oak tree.

Would definitely recommend them to family and friends or anyone requiring arboricultural work at competitive rates.

Jon Borlase

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